Bani Mallick, Ph.D.
Dr. Mallick joined Texas A&M University in 1998, and has recently been promoted to Associate Professor. He is a co- investigator (with Drs. Carroll and S. Wang) on their NCI-funded statistical methodology research grant, and a co-investigator (with Dr. Calvin) on the NIEHS Superfund grant. Dr. Mallick is well-known for his work on Bayesian statistical methodology, and more generally on Bayesian statistical computing.
Raymond J. Carroll, Ph.D.
Dr. Carroll is a Distinguished Professor at Texas A&M University, a special rank held by approximately 35 faculty members in the university. His main appointment is in the Department of Statistics, and he holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology. He is a member of the Faculty of Nutrition, a member of the Faculty of Toxicology, and the Director for Biostatistics and Epidemiological Research for the NIEHS-funded Center for Environmental and Rural Health.
Clint Allred, Ph.D.
Clint Allred, Ph.D. is currently a Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at Texas A&M University. Dr. Allred received his B.S. in Animal Science from the University of Georgia in 1997. He completed his Ph.D. in nutrition at the University of Illinois in 2002. He then served as a postdoctoral fellow in the department of pharmacology at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine until August of 2006.
Robert Chapkin, Ph.D.
Dr. Chapkin is established in the areas of transmembrane signaling, protein kinase C signal transduction, and cell/molecular biology techniques. His research has been directed towards the modification of those processes by nutritional and pharmacological intervention. His work is supported by grants primarily from the National Cancer institute.
Irina Gaynanova, Ph.D.
Irina Gaynanova, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics. She is the recipient of the 2018 David P. Byar Young Investigator award . Her interests are on High-dimensional data analysis, machine learning, multivariate analysis, computational statistics, and statistical methods for analyzing biological data.

Weston Porter, Ph.D.
Weston Porter is a professor-joint appointment with Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. His interests is determining the role of factors in normal development and how disruption of these pathways results in associated pathologies.

Valen Johnson, Ph.D.
Valen Johnson is a professor and Department Head in the Department of Statistics. His applied research interests include educational assessment, ordinal data analysis, clinical trial design, image analysis and reliability analysis. His current methodological interests focus on Bayesian hypothesis testing and its connections to classical testing procedures. Bayesian variable selection, Markov chain Monte Carlo model diagnostics and latent variable modeling.

Jianhua Huang, Ph.D.
Jianhua Huang is a profession in the department of statistics and a graduate Advisor for the department. His interests include nonparametric and semiparametric models, statistical function estimation using polynomial splines, statistical methods for longitudinal data/panel data, multivariate/functional data analysis, survival analysis, duration data, event history analysis, statistics application on business.

Stephen Safe, Ph.D.
Steven Safe is a distinguished professor in the Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. His interests are toxicology and molecular biology of estrogenic and antiestrogenic compounds, molecular mechanisms of estrogen receptor and Ah receptor action and their corsstalk in breast cancer.

Edward Dougherty, Ph.D.
Dr. Dougherty is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the Genomic Signal Processing Laboratory. He is well-known for bringing engineering approaches into genomic, including the analysis of networks and systems biology more generally.

Ulisses Braga Neto, Ph.D.
Ulisses Braga Neto is an Associate Professor in the department of electrical & computer engineering. His research interests are optimal state and parameter estimation for boolean dynamical systems, discrete prediction and inference of regulatory networks, small-sample classification and error estimation, application sin cancer proteomic biomarker discovery and validation and applications in modeling infectious disease processes.

Guoyao Wu, Ph.D.
Dr. Wu is a Professor of Animal Science, and an expert on glutamine and arganine metabolism and how these molecules are involved in intestinal development of neonates, and in nitric oxide synthesis by mammalian cells. He also studies metabolic changes occurring in colonic epithelial cells.

Arul Jayaraman, Ph.D.
Arul Jayaraman is the Ray B. Nesbitt Chair Professor of Chemical Engineering. His research interests focus on molecular systems biotechnology, specifically on using integrated experimental and modeling approaches for investigating problems in human health and medicine.

Tanya Garcia, Ph.D.
Tanya Garcia is an Assistant Professor for the Department of Statistics. Her research interests are Semiparametric theory, measurement error, survival analysis, model selection and bioinformatics.

Anirban Bhattacharya, Ph.D.
Anirban Bhattacharya is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics. His research interests focus on latent variable models for multivariate categorical and count data, bayesian variable selection in linear and non linear models, probabillstic models for analysis of network data, trade-off between computational and theoretical complexity in Gaussian process regression models.
Training Program in Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, Nutrition and Cancer
A Training Program for New Ph.D’s
The Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University announces its new two-year training program in Bioinformatics, funded by the NCI (National Cancer Institute). Funding is restricted to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
Program participants will receive training via a structured format in biology, genetics, and various genomics technologies such as microarray and biological mechanisms of cancer that may be activated by nutrition-related factors.
The program includes members from the Department of Statistics, the Faculty of Nutrition, and Electrical Engineering’s Genomic Signal Processing Labortory.
Contact Raymond Carroll carrollATstat.tamu.edu for details.